
Showing posts from August, 2020

Intro & Greek Vases

Hi all, my name is Chloe DeHerrera, I am an art major and a minor in business so I can pursue my dreams of becoming a professional photographer. I am 18 and I have been taking pictures for the last 2 years. My hobbies other than photography are, painting, creating my journal, and going off-roading!  Greek Vases:      The work of art I have chosen the Ancient Greek Vase making. I have always loved pottery but I have never gotten the chance to explore that form of art. This form of art started 900-146 B.C.E. It is a very interesting process. It is made of terra cotta or better know as baked clay. You start by taking all the pebbles and rocks out of the raw clay and then throw it into a pool of water. Next, is draining it and put into another pool. Then, letting the extra water evaporate, which leaves behind the settled clay. This process is done several times before the clay becomes the right consistency. After that process is done the clay is kneaded to be sure there are no layers that