Comparison Indrajit & Utagawa
To start off I have chosen to compare "I ndrajit meets with Ravana, then binds Rama and Laksmana with magic serpents; Sita is told they are dead " and "Utagawa Kunisada." To start off with a little information about the artworks, Indrajit is a scene that is a part of a larger story, the Ramayana. The story focuses on the dispute of good and evil. The characters in the scene experience love, loss, loyalty, conflict, fear, and friendship. These encounters highlight one’s meaning. Utagawa is a picture, there is a woman wearing a kimono, whom is standing by a vacant carriage. Her kimono is green that matches the carriage symbolizing a connection. Her robe and headscarf indicate it is cold outside. The whole artwork represents modern beauties. “Indrajit meets with Ravana, then binds Rama and Laksmana with magic serpents; Sita is told they are dead,” folio from the Yuddha Kanda of the Ramayana , by Sahib Din, Udaipur, c. 1650-52, watercolor on paper, approximate...