
Showing posts from December, 2020

Great Serpent Mound

The Great Serpent Mound; Adams County   The Mound is found in ancient culture in Adams County Ohio. It a lso is the largest serpent figure in the world.  There were lots of mountains made by ancient Native American cultures.   They were made in the valleys of Mississippi, Ohio, Illinois, and the Missouri rivers thousands of years ago. It ranges from one to three feet in height depending on where you're standing and t he mound is 1300 feet long. T he mound is both architectural and sculptural and was erected by settled peoples who grew maize, beans, and squash.  The shape of the serpent is unique, it is slightly Crescent shaped. The head is set in the East and tail set in the West with seven curves within the body of the snake.   Within the body of the snake, it has Oval shaped large eyes.   The native cultures in North and Central America believe that supernatural powers to snakes and reptiles are represented by spiritual practices. T he native people of Ohio Valley frequently crea