
Showing posts from October, 2020

Introduction to Buddhism

     Buddha is deified. He was a man in the early forma of Buddhism. Buddhism originated in modern India today. It eventually grew into a religion practiced by monks, nuns and the buddha people. They not only worshiped the Buddha they worshiped sacred places. They spread throughout Asia. The Buddha’s greatest spiritual accomplishments was the doctrine of the Middle Way. The experience convinced him that one should shun the extremes, avoid the pursuit of worldly desires on the one hand and serve, and discipline on the other. He did not pursue himself as a creator of a new religion, but as a promoter of it. To purify the religion. Standing Buddha Offering Protection      Samsara means round or cycle; initially means the endless cycle of rebirth and death, meaning there is no beginning and no end. The endless cycle is governed by karma, also known as causality. In ancient India, their time is measured in kalpa; meaning that there is always an endless cycle of of destruction, rubble, renov