
Photography 1800-1950

      Daguerre’s process rapidly spread through the world around 1840ish. The first daguerreotypes were announced in the United States that way they were made on September 16, 1839. The exposures were first of excessive length and it sometimes took over an hour to develop. Having the lengthy exposures and moving objects cannot be recorded this also made taking portraits impractical. Antoine Claudet was responsible for numerous improvements in photography this included the discovery of red light and how it wasn’t as effective as people thought it was. The improvements that have been made in the lenses and sensitizing techniques reduced exposure times to approximately 20 to 40 seconds. Daguerreotyping eventually became a flourishing industry.      Within photography the naturalism was a large part produced in the movement for paintings abstraction. The painters abandoned realism in the photography area because of the maintained importance of their art. This began the love-hate relationsh

The Pueblo Revolt and The Virgin of Macana

           To start off with the background of The Virgin of Macana, it was created in the 18th century which was 1680. In the painting, Mary is a statue, she is bleeding from the forehead. She is wearing a crown and is holding a Macana, which is a wooden weapon embedded with obsidian blades commonly used by the Nahua people of central Mexico.  The Virgin of the Macana , second half of the 18th century, oil on canvas (History Collections New Mexico History Museum)           The Virgin of Macana is telling a story of the fight of the Spaniards and the Puebloians, during the Pueblo revolution in 1680. In the middle right side of the painting it shows the natives attacking the statue, I believe is historically in accurate because historians have questioned, "why are the pueblo people shown as violent, barbaric aggressors in the painting?" This shows that it is biased towards the Spaniards. The painting is intended to convey that it is one-sided because of the questions asked abo

Nkisi Nkondi

Power Figure (Nkisi N’Kondi: Mangaaka) , mid to late nineteenth century, wood, paint, metal, resin, ceramic, 46 7/16″ / 118 cm high, Democratic Republic of Congo (The Metropolitan Museum of Art)            The power figure was made in the mid 19th to the 20th century, by the Congo peoples. It was made of wood, pigment, nails, cloth, beads, shells, arrows, leather, nuts, and twine. Nkisi refers to a spirit, but more specifically medicine that is used by a healer to help someone, herbs and supplements. A Nganga is a ritual specialist who use the Nkisi around the 19th century. In the figure there is a space for holding the medicine, which is called a Mooyo, the belly. Mooyo is the spiritual center of the Nkisi figure, where medicine is placed. As the different mixtures of healing potions were made they were placed in the figure and sealed up. The figure was used to heal the client in the way of the help needed. It was also used to record agreements or contracts. It could also be activated

Comparison Indrajit & Utagawa

  To start off I have chosen to compare "I ndrajit meets with Ravana, then binds Rama and Laksmana with magic serpents; Sita is told they are dead " and "Utagawa Kunisada." To start off with a little information about the artworks, Indrajit is a scene that is a part of a larger story, the Ramayana. The story focuses on the dispute of good and evil. The characters in the scene experience love, loss, loyalty, conflict, fear, and friendship. These encounters highlight one’s meaning. Utagawa is a picture, there is a woman wearing a kimono, whom is standing by a vacant carriage. Her kimono is green that matches the carriage symbolizing a connection. Her robe and headscarf indicate it is cold outside. The whole artwork represents modern beauties.  “Indrajit meets with Ravana, then binds Rama and Laksmana with magic serpents; Sita is told they are dead,” folio from the  Yuddha Kanda  of the  Ramayana , by Sahib Din, Udaipur, c. 1650-52, watercolor on paper, approximately 9

The Renaissance in Spain

             The Spanish renaissance refers to a movement in Spain. This line materialize from the Italian Renaissance during the 14th century which spread to Spain during the 15th and 16th centuries. The Spanish empire extended throughout Western Europe. Italian artist ideas in motif‘s were definitely noticeable in Spanish paintings and sculptures. The Renaissance in Spain, The Morata Master          Alonso Berruguete was the first sculptor of the renaissance of Spain. He created sculptures from painted wood that portrays emotion through their dramatic positioning such as poses, gestures, and even facial expressions. He was the creator of the “Retablo” which is an altarpiece. This particular piece included the nativity, the annunciation, the Madonna and Child, the coronation of the virgin, the adoration  of the Magi, and the resurrection. All of these scenes were focused on the life of Christ. It was devoted to the Virgin Mary as shown in the picture. Critically thinking, the nativity


     My name is Chloe DeHerrera. My major is art and a minor in mass com. I plan on using my major to further my career in photography. I plan on opening a studio in the near  future. My hobby is photography, I love taking pictures. Another one of my hobbies is to play with my dog and taking her on walks (her name is Trixie). I took History of Art I so I am familiar with the process of this course. I don't have a favorite artist at the moment. 

Great Serpent Mound

The Great Serpent Mound; Adams County   The Mound is found in ancient culture in Adams County Ohio. It a lso is the largest serpent figure in the world.  There were lots of mountains made by ancient Native American cultures.   They were made in the valleys of Mississippi, Ohio, Illinois, and the Missouri rivers thousands of years ago. It ranges from one to three feet in height depending on where you're standing and t he mound is 1300 feet long. T he mound is both architectural and sculptural and was erected by settled peoples who grew maize, beans, and squash.  The shape of the serpent is unique, it is slightly Crescent shaped. The head is set in the East and tail set in the West with seven curves within the body of the snake.   Within the body of the snake, it has Oval shaped large eyes.   The native cultures in North and Central America believe that supernatural powers to snakes and reptiles are represented by spiritual practices. T he native people of Ohio Valley frequently crea